Friday, August 19, 2005


Becoming a father

Ok, It hasn't taken me long to write my first non-scene-related post, but this one is worth the exception. My wife will have a baby by the end of this year or the beginning of 2006. This is no big news, I knew it since some months ago.

News is that I just learnt that the baby is going to be a girl. Her name will be Marta. I'm happy, even though I am back from vacation.

Congratulations Javier on your becoming a father! :) R. Feynman said that children soon become "the most amazing people you'll ever meet in your life". Hope it makes you as happy as it made him!

Congratulations to you and your partner!
Thank you all ;)
enhorabuena javier. han pasado unos meses desde que escribiste esto, pero bueno, para mi que no oia nada de ti desde hace un año y pico, son muy buenas noticias. enhorabuena y a disfrutar de la pequeña!

thought-provoking, mootable pv. just my thoughts, well anyways gl & be chipper is what i say
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