Friday, November 04, 2005


Scene holidays

Everything looks sooo quiet these days... Maybe it's because everyone is very busy preparing new productions for the BCN Party, who knows :). BTW, I will not be there this year. I filled my party quota this year with Euskal and Breakpoint, so I will have to wait until the next year.

I am currently having a kind of "scene holidays". That is, I am spending my free time doing some non-scene stuff. I needed some rest, doing something different, to avoid getting bored and losing motivation. Anyway, I cannot stay away from computers, so my current hobby is to make games for retro-computers. I have to accept it, I am a nerd :P.

I have joined the CEZ GS team, a group of talented people who make games for long dead computers. I am starting to develop a game for my good old spectrum, but it's still in an early development phase, so I cannot give many details.

It's funny to forget about OpenGL, GHz processors, GPUs... and go back to some hardcore coding: 3.5 MHz, less than 128k of RAM and lots of color restrictions. That gives you a warm oldskool feeling

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